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What it means to look
We learn by looking at the art, not the artist. A mini-meditation what it means to look, inspired by a recent group mentor coaching session.
Glimmers and Getting Unstuck
A short list of insights and learnings about people and business, gathered from over 800 hours of coaching sessions.
Pull up a Comfy Chair and Ask Yourself…
Podcast host Kate Johnson and I take a deep dive on overthinking, leadership, and more in this though-provoking episode that guarantees to help you make peace with the uncomfortable.
Breaking Out of Prison
How I turned a serious confinement into a madcap escape. And fled my job gracefully.
Tame your brain gremlins
Podcast expert Mark Steadman and I put our heads together to come up with a collaborate Top 5 list of ways to tame our brain gremlins. See if you agree!
Busting some myths about Coaching and Neurodiversity
Claire Pedrick, Nathan Whitbread, and Kim Witten in conversation about Neurodiversity and Coaching. We share differing perspectives, go beyond labels, bust some myths, and more.
Knowing Where You are Not
Meaningful progress often happens in small moments. Here’s what that might look like.
Free Access to All My Medium Stories
Please enjoy my entire Medium archive — all the links inside are paywall-free.
Check Your Thread: Self-Coaching for Sewing Success, Part II
Building from the previous episode, Part II of Self-Coaching for Sewing Success explores all the practical things you can try, so that you get more out of making. And fall in love with your craft again.
Check Your Thread: Self-Knowledge for Sewing Success
In episode 91 of the Check Your Thread podcast, hosted by legendary sewing teacher, writer, and podcaster Zoe Edwards, we get deep into self-knowledge and how we can enjoy our craft — especially when things get frustrating.
Design Feeling: From Overthinking to Deep Thinking
In episode 35 of the Design Feeling podcast, host Nirish Shakya and guest Kim Witten discuss overthinking, noticing, curiosity, creativity and more.
The sweet spot between support and challenge
Meaningful change happens when you feel both supported and challenged.
Do Future You a Favour
When we're feeling tired or burnt out, it can be especially hard to make smart choices. Give yourself a break by creating a list of options of the things you know will replenish your energy and give yourself the calm you need. Future you will thank you!
You need a compelling reason
Without compelling reasons for doing your work, you’re making things harder on yourself. Learn about compelling reasons, why you need them, and how to achieve your goals quicker and easier.
Am I still a Creative if I’m not actively creating stuff?
When we confuse who we are (the noun) with what we do (the verb), and vice versa, we make work harder for ourselves. Get out of your own way by putting your time and ego in the right place.
The cost of doing nothing
The opportunity cost of doing nothing is what you lose by carrying on as is versus doing the thing that requires effort.
Your Thoughts are Optional
When we slow down and start noticing and identifying the automatic thoughts we have, we become empowered to make better decisions.