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What is Rumination?
While rumination is often seen as a bad thing, with thoughtwork and coaching it can be a powerful source of reflection and insight.
From Overthinking to Expert Thinking
When you can accept and embrace who you are right now, you can get to the work of who you want to be.
How to think new thoughts (and believe them)
The Thought Ladder outlines a tried-and-true method, but often people get stuck on a key step: how to believe a new thought.
Using a Thought Ladder to upgrade your beliefs
If you want to think more helpful, empowering thoughts and improve your self-image, use this free worksheet to shift your thinking in small, meaningful increments.
How to spot a sick system
If you're feeling stressed, confused, burned out or worse with a employer or partner, it's possible you're in a sick system.
How to use the Thought Model to get better results in anything
The Thought Model helps you understand your reactions to situations and helps you change your thinking.
How to floss regularly, and getting other things done
How I became a regular flosser. Follow this step-by-step method for making new habits stuck.
The key to finding your treasure
The reason why we do things s because of how we think we'll feel. Conversely, the reason why we don't do things is because there is something we don't want to feel.
What kind of help do I need?
Learn about the differences between coaching, mentoring, training, consulting, and therapy.
Letting old habits go and making new ones stick
If you want to stop doing something, you’re probably missing half the change equation. (But you’re also halfway there.)
Using sociolinguistics in coaching sessions
Using coaching and linguistics skills to gain deeper insights on what my clients may be experiencing in their lives as they go through change.
The cost of doing nothing
The opportunity cost of doing nothing is what you lose by carrying on as is versus doing the thing that requires effort.
Your Thoughts are Optional
When we slow down and start noticing and identifying the automatic thoughts we have, we become empowered to make better decisions.
Learning from the stories we tell ourselves
Two concepts to help you make sense of challenging moments and accept the emotions that may arise.